Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Accomplish Victory - 2010 Words
What is a recession? A recession is declared once the GDP is negative for two consecutive quarters or more, a few quarters before is actually the start of an economic downturn. GDP is defined as gross domestic product and that basically means the total value of goods the United States has produced, for the year. The first few signs of a recession are negative growth followed by a miniature positive growth. Because American citizens don’t have the money to spend they don’t spend and the consumer spending aspect of the economy takes a drastic downfall. Unemployment rates also have play in determining a recession (22). Proper money management and finances could bring an economy out of a recession. There are major flaws in the way†¦show more content†¦Then depending on the person they could take years to pay off that one bill out of the other 20 that they have. So what I am saying here is that if many people do this then, the economy will inflate, causi ng the value of money to go down prices to go up and so on and so forth. One of the hardest and most difficult economic recessions in history was accomplished using Keynesian economics by John Fredrick Kennedy. â€Å"Keynesian economics is a theory of total spending in the economy (called aggregate demand) and its effects on output and inflation. Although the term has been used (and abused) to describe many things over the years†there is six principal systems or beliefs that are what a Keynesian believes. (20) A Keynesian believes that total demand is inclined by a swarm of financial decisions public and private. The public decisions include, financial and economic policies. Nearly all Keynesians and monetarists believe that both financial and economic policies affect total demand. Secondly changes in total demand have their affect on output and on employment not on prices. Keynesians believe that it must get worse for it to get better. Also they believe that we live in the short run of things not in the long run. Keynes’s famous statement , â€Å"In the long run, we are all dead.†Thirdly Keynesians believe that prices, and moreShow MoreRelatedBeowulf : An Epic Hero986 Words  | 4 Pagesbe present at. The question isn’t where are you and where did you go, but the reason your body is moving in that general direction. Many people in the world tend to not have a purpose in their movements anymore, having little to no motivation to accomplish anything in their life. In the stories throughout history there are always multiple reasons why the characters, whether they’re good or bad, do what they do. Dating back all the way to ancient stories one of these studied people is the man knownRead MoreThe Rhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address1045 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"malice toward none†and â€Å"charity for all†mentality (Lincoln 14). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Narrative Essays Free Essays
1 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Generic application software Software Software refers to computer programs. A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the computer’s processor what to do. There are two types of software: †¢ system software †¢ application software. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Essays or any similar topic only for you Order Now System software: manages the computer hardware provides a uniform environment for application programs to run performs housekeeping and monitoring tasks. Application software: allows the user to do useful tasks with the computer such as playing games, writing a letter or monitoring hospital patients †¢ is often supplied as a package †¢ can be generic (off-the-shelf) and is general purpose †¢ can be bespoke, where it is custom-written for a specific task. Application programs Application programs commonly have facilities for: †¢ working in a graphical user interface (GUI) †¢ managing data files and working on multiple files †¢ navigating through the work and changing the ‘zoom level’ †¢ importing files and inserting embedded objects †¢ creating and editing drawings †¢ formatting text and graphics and editing content using insertion, deletion, cut-and-paste, copyand-paste and find-and-replace and Undo and Redo commands †¢ language checking †¢ saving and using templates †¢ viewing a file as it will be printed (WYSIWYG) †¢ creating macros and assigning them to buttons and images †¢ hyperlinking †¢ exporting files in other formats †¢ printing files. Generic application programs You may be asked to justify your choice of a type of generic application software (no brand names) for a particular purpose. For the particular features of each type of software, refer to the coursebook, e specially if you do not have practical experience of it. Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies  © Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision notes: 1 Generic application software 1 Generic Application software desktop publishing (DTP) word processing spreadsheet General use of software ublications with complex layout, e. g. posters, newsletters and magazines text-intensive material, e. g. letters, business/legal documents, and mail merges repeatable financial, scientific and engineering calculations, mathematical modelling and simple databases input, storage and retrieval of records to provide useful information on screen and in printed reports fax, telephony, video-conferencing, email and instant messaging web authoring, for producing HTML and scripting code for interactive web pages database management system (DBMS) communication web browser search engine graphics computer-aided design (CAD) computer-aided manufacture (CAM) multimedia authoring or interactively accessing information in the form of text and other media from remote web servers a web application for finding information available on Internet servers drawing and editing images, both bitmap and vector for drawing product designs for manufacturing products from CAD designs producing multimedia ‘movie files’ for animated advertisements and games within web pages or presentations, whole websites, or cinema films for creating slideshows (successions of multimedia pages), or multimedia or printed posters for recording data automatically for scientific, engineering and statistical purposes writing, compiling and debugging computer programs presentation data-logging programming Customising generic application programs Off-the-shelf generic application programs are readily available, relatively cheap and well tested. They can be customised to the purchaser’s requirements by: †¢ hiding the standard menus and toolbars †¢ creating new menus or toolbars with just the essential require ments †¢ making cosmetic changes to the colour scheme and logo †¢ creating macros run by toolbar buttons or keyboard shortcuts. A macro is program code recorded automatically or written in a scripting language to improve access to existing commands or to create new ones. Bespoke software Bespoke software (custom-written) is software specially written to suit the needs of a particular customer. It is often very efficient because it does exactly what is required, is easy to learn and has good customer support and maintenance. Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies  © Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision notes: 1 Generic application software 2 Comparing off-the-shelf with bespoke software Off-the-shelf software has a number of advantages and disadvantages relative to bespoke software. Off-the-shelf software’s advantages t is immediately available it is usually much cheaper to buy it may have many powerful features developed over many years if it belongs to a suite, it is likely to be able to exchange data and files easily with other programs in the suite it is well tested by previous users there is sup port available from experienced trainers and user groups Off-the-shelf software’s disadvantages it may be overly complex and difficult to learn it may be a compromise between the requirements of different types of users an organisation may be forced to adapt its business procedures to the software errors may not be fixed rapidly Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies  © Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision notes: 1 Generic application software 3 How to cite Narrative Essays, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Professional School Counseling free essay sample
The 5 themes are character education, bullying, social-conflict, academics, and mental illness. Additionally, this paper will include important elements of school counselor identity, function and ethics. A section of the paper will give biblical values and insights related to the subject of professional school counseling. The experience of research has provided the reader with the personal reflections concerning school counseling and a discussion of the commitment to provide biblically grounded, ethical and empirically based services from the point of view of the writer. Introduction Children are in a society where the world is rapidly changing. Due to influx of social and economic changes and problems that are brewing within the homes of our students: these problems tend to spill over into the schools. The problems that are presented in the schools are escalating, when you think that things are improving. The purpose of this paper is to give some insight on the problems that professional school counselors faced in our schools. We will write a custom essay sample on Professional School Counseling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every problematic area is not covered in this paper because it is so much research on many degrees of issues that professional counselors face. We propose that with the proper training, programs and support of the schools, counselors will be able to see a positive change. History and Development The factors leading to the development of guidance and counseling in the United States began in the 1890s with the social reform movement. Formal guidance programs using specialized textbooks did not start until the turn of the twentieth century. In 1958 the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) was enacted, providing aid to education in the United States at all levels, public and private. One of the consequences was the compulsory education movement and shortly thereafter the vocational guidance movement, which, in its early days, was concerned with guiding people into the workforce to become productive members of society. The social and political reformer Frank Parsons is often credited with being the father of the vocational guidance movement. His work with the Civic Service House led to the development of the Boston Vocation Bureau (Sandhu, 2000). Guidance and counseling in these early years were considered to be mostly vocational in nature, but as the profession advanced other personal concerns became part of the school counselors agenda. Introduction of Topic Professional school counselors are certified and licensed educators with a minimum of a master’s degree in school counseling that make them uniquely qualified to address all students’ academic, personal/social and career development needs by designing, implementing, evaluating and enhancing a comprehensive school counseling program that promote and enhance student success (Sandhu, 2000). Professional school counselors are employed in elementary, middle/junior high and high schools; in district supervisory positions; and counselor education positions. Professional school counselors uphold the ethical and professional standards of ASCA and other applicable professional counseling associations, and promote the development of the school counseling program based on the following areas of the ASCA National Model: Foundation, delivery, management and accountability. Five Aspects
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